Introducing Goodwood Baptist Church
The Goodwood Baptist Church focuses on God’s Word, above all else, and public worship within our church is conducted simply, concentrating on preparing God’s people to hear His word. We strive to implement ministries that present the gospel clearly and succinctly to all age-groups. Our pastors and congregation believe that the Scriptures of the Old and the New Testaments are the inspired Word of God, in the worship of the triune: God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, that salvation is all of God’s free grace. These are some of the truths that Goodwood Baptist Church holds dear, being set forth in greater detail in the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith, which is the comprehensive statement of our faith.
The Goodwood Baptist Church was formed in 1972, when a group of believers met in the area, began a bilingual Sunday school and constituted as a fellowship. Our constitution was adopted and approved in 1977, and our notable differences in the document were the references to Elders (unusual for South African Baptists at this point) and its allegiance to the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith. We met for many years in a simple building in Anderson Street, and later we were able to purchase the AGS church building in Milton Road, where we meet for worship to this day.
What we offer
The Goodwood Baptist Church provides a range of services and sermons to our loyal congregation, as well as the following offerings to new and old members:
- Sunday Meetings
- Prayer Meetings
- Hiking Group
- Junior Youth
- Moms & Tots
- Sound Ministry
- Christianity Explored
- Book Table & Library
- Womens Ministries
- Young Adults
- The Men’s Fellowship (TMF)
For more information on how to become involved with our church or to join us, please feel free to visit our website or contact the pastor at the Goodwood Baptist Church directly.